Dynamic Networks: Analysis and Modeling
Networks in the real world are dynamic with a wide range of temporal changes: while the topology of networks such as social networks and transportation networks undergoes gradual change (or evolution), the content (information flow, annotations) changes more rapidly. Mining and analysis of these annotated and dynamic graphs is crucial for advancing the state of scientific research, accurate modeling and analysis, and engineering of new systems. One goal of the Dynamic Networks: Analysis and Modeling (DYNAMO) group is to develop a set of machine learning, analysis, and modeling methods for such networks.
Earth Research
The mission of the Earth Research Institute (ERI) is to support research and education in the sciences of our solid, fluid, and living Earth. While the scope of ERI research spans the breadth of Earth and Environmental sciences, the institute is organized around four major themes of Natural Hazards, Human Impacts, Earth System Science, and Earth Evolution. Each of these themes has been transformed in the past decade by both the increasing availability of high-resolution spatio-temporal data, and the emergence of complex physically-based modeling approaches for characterizing the dynamics of Earth and Environmental systems. ERI faculty and researchers are taking advantage of this convergence of big data and large-scale modeling to catalyzed new discoveries and understanding across campus, while ERI research computing staff are developing new infrastructure and data management tools for handling these computationally intensive approaches.
Bioimage Informatics
The Center for Bio-image Informatics is an interdisciplinary research effort between Biology, Computer Science, Statistics, Multimedia and Engineering. The overarching goal of the center is the advancement of human knowledge of the complex biological processes which occur at both cellular and sub-cellular levels. To achieve this core objective, the center employs and develops cutting edge techniques in the fields of imaging, pattern recognition and data mining.
Brain Initiative
The UCSB Brain Initiative is a campus-wide initiative to foster collaboration and recruit top neuroscientists to Santa Barbara. The UCSB Brain Initiative spans departmental boundaries and seeks to build on the campus’s strengths in engineering, physics, and computer science to elucidate the function of the brain.