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UCSB DataLab

The Data Science Consulting Laboratory - DataLab - provides advice on statistical methods to researchers (faculty and graduate students) at UCSB. Advice can be given at all stages of an investigation — planning the data collection, choosing the appropriate statistical methods for valid interpretation of results, choosing effective software for calculation and graphical display and figuring out how to do the numerical work on a computer and reporting the final statistical results.

DataLab is under the direction of the DataLab Director with active assistance of senior graduate students with major interest and training in applied statistics. DataLab can also draw on the expertise of several other faculty members in the Department of Statistics and Applied Probability. Off-campus organizations seeking statistical help should fill out this off-campus intake form. If necessary, you can directly contact DataLab by email (datalab @


On-campus Intake Form

DataLab's role is advisory: the aim is to help researchers do their own statistical analysis. The services are free for faculty, staff and graduate students at UCSB.  On-campus researchers seeking statistical help should fill out this intake form. The DataLab graduate student consultant will follow up to set up an appointment.  Note: assistance cannot be given to students seeking help with UCSB coursework.  

Off-campus Intake Form

DataLab services are also available to off-campus organizations. If full data analysis services are required, then special arrangements can sometimes be made. Off-campus organizations seeking statistical help should fill out this off-campus intake form.

If necessary, you can directly contact DataLab by email (datalab @ 

Please note: The DataLab is not open during the summer (approximately mid June through the end of September).

Faculty Leads

Photo of Alex Franks
  • Statistics and Applied Probability

DataLab Director
Python, statistical modeling.

Datalab Graduate Student Consultants

photo of Joshua Bang
  • Data Lab Teaching Assistant
Jeff Wu
  • Data Lab Teaching Assistant